Toxin Free Family

Are you an auditory learner?  Listen to the above mp3 about living a Toxin Free lifestyle! (by Sarah Harnisch)

I bet you don’t even know about some of the hidden dangers of the chemicals you introduce into your home and body every day, between common household cleaners and toiletries/cosmetics you are currently using.  Most of us excuse their use by thinking ‘it’s only a little bit!’ but our skin is our largest organ and absorbs chemicals into our body.  The cumulative effects of ignoring this simple fact can be devastating on our health.

Now that I have trained my nose to love all things NATURAL, I can’t even walk past Yankee Candles and other places similar anymore without feeling slightly ill.  I know too much to go back when I can use an essential oil that has no toxins and only GOOD stuff for the environment and my body.

When considering your entire family’s health, think about the WHOLE PICTURE!  What are you exposed to daily that may be detrimental?  What are some ways you can make small changes that would move your family closer to an entirely GREEN way of living?

© Brenda Parrish with Essentially Anointed 2020