Welcome to Essentially Anointed

This is a great place to learn more about living a healthy lifestyle, whether you are looking for ways to approach wellness from a more natural perspective, detox your home from harmful chemicals, discover toxin free healthy alternatives for yourself, or find out just what this essential oil thing is all about.

I have been in the healthcare profession for 25 years and an avid user of Young Living products since 2013.  I have seen how well they have worked for myself, my family and my clients.  I am constantly amazed at the testimonies that come back to me after sending home samples or teaching new member classes about how to use their new kits.  It has truly been life changing for myself and others.

I researched for quite a while before committing myself to one particular essential oil company, but I have never regretted this decision to go with the oldest and largest producer of the finest and purest oils on the planet.  I hope once you explore this website, the company and use their products, you will agree.

© Brenda Parrish with Essentially Anointed 2020