What is an essential oil?


Essential oils have also been used for thousands of years for cosmetic purposes, as well as for their spiritually and emotionally uplifting properties.

Primarily extracted through careful steam distillation but also through cold pressing, the purest essential oils are far more powerful than the botanicals from which they were extracted. Any time you hold a bottle of our powerful essential oils, you are holding nature's pure essence.

They are called “essential” because they are necessary for the life of the plant and contain the “essence” of the plant.  Essential oils contain life force, intelligence and vibrational energy that imbues them with properties that preserve wellness.

Essential oils are composed of tiny molecules that can penetrate into every cell, administering healing therapy at the most fundamental levels of our bodies.  They differ from the fatty oils we use for cooking.  Fatty oils are composed of molecules much too large to penetrate to cellular levels.  The familiar vegetable oils we use for foods have no therapeutic powers, at least not in the same ways as essential oils.

Man-made chemicals lack the life force, intelligence and the vibrational energy found in healing oils. Compare this with essential oils.  They have no serious side effects—none that are deadly. They can and do effect wellness.  When more than one is used at once, they tend to work in harmony.  Dangerous interactions do not occur.  No one has ever died from a properly applied essential oil.  They are inherently safe.  

Essential oils are a gift from God to us, His children.  They have been a gift too long ignored and misunderstood.  The time has come to correct these misunderstandings and bring essential oils back into the uses for which God intended them.

(excerpted from “Healing Oils of the Bible” by Dr. David Stewart)

© Brenda Parrish with Essentially Anointed 2020