Learning about the oils-Essential oils 101

So, if you just happen to be an auditory learner, click on the mp3 above to learn more about using essential oils for living a healthy lifestyle!  (by Sarah Harnisch)

The very best way to get started learning how to use Young Living essential oils and other products is to attend an “Introduction to Essential Oils” class LIVE!  I usually offer these once a month in my office or in the homes of those who would like to host a class.  I also offer webinars for those who can’t make it to a live class or don’t live close enough to attend.  Classes and webinars are announced via the Facebook page or on this website.  

I offer a Facebook group for those who want to learn more about using Young Living essential oils also.  If you would like to join, please connect with me first on Facebook and then send me a private message letting me know of your interest in learning more.  I’m pretty protective of the group so please give me a heads up! (Brenda Sanders Parrish)

Please contact me for information about attending any webinar or LIVE class.

….Or you could just learn RIGHT HERE!

If you just can’t find/attend a LIVE class, then I am including information here on the website so you can learn more about using essential oils.

Check out the “Classes Online” page here on my site!

What is an Essential Oil and How Do They Work?

Give it to me straight - what is an essential oil and how does it work? This could be an entire class in itself! The chemistry of essential oils is absolutely fascinating. I promised to keep tonight condensed though, so here are the cliff notes. Essential oils are the life force of the plant they are derived from! When they are distilled properly, essential oils have the ability to do for US what they do for the plants. 

Essential oils can help support our physical, mental and emotional well-being by triggering and strengthening our bodies’ own natural processes. They are made up of tiny molecules that can deliver restorative properties to the systems that control our physiological state. The molecules of essential oils are so small, so efficient, they have the ability to affect every cell in your body in 20 minutes, and then be metabolized like other nutrients. 

Like I said, the chemistry of essential oils is fascinating and is a class all of its own, but for the science enthusiasts out there, here are some fun facts just to make your brain happy!

*Essential oils contain oxygen molecules that help transport nutrients to the human cells that have been damaged, compromised, and drained of nutrients. Because a nutritional deficiency is essentially an oxygen deficiency, disease begins when the cells lack oxygen for proper nutrient assimilation. By providing the needed oxygen, essential oils also work to stimulate the immune system.

*Essential oils are very powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants prevent mutations, work to protect against free radicals, prevent fungus, and prevent oxidation in the cells. Our body does create antioxidants on its own, but not enough to keep up with the damage we do to our cells via toxins and disease, much less the natural aging process. Supplementing with nutritionals high in antioxidants is a very wise health choice, and essential oils are extremely antioxidant!

*There are two main groups of constituents that make up the chemistry of an essential oil. They are hydrocarbons and oxygenated compounds. These are further subdivided into sub-groups: Monoterpenes, Sesqueterpenes, Phenolics, Alcohols, Esters, Aldehydes, Ketones, and Oxides. The unique chemical makeup of each essential oil gives it the ability to work on a cellular level, support our body systems, and encourage healthy function the way that God intended. 

Practical Application 

I know what you're probably thinking... "That’s all good and fine, but when I get my Young Living™ oils, what do I DO with them!?" The GREAT thing about our oils is that there really isn't a WRONG way to use them. Might there be a better way to use them? Sure. But you will pick up on those things as you learn more. The important thing right now is just to USE them!! There are many ways for the body to absorb the therapeutic components of Young Living™ essential oils - inhalation through the olfactory system of the nose, absorption through the topical layers of our skin, and with the Young Living Vitality™ line of oils, you can even ingest internally. Use common sense and go with what your gut tells you - it's usually pretty spot on! Your Young Living™ support team will always be here to offer our guidance and there are many amazing resources available, such as the Essential Oils Desk Reference - a must have for an oiler! The main thing is just to use them. They'll do you zero good sitting on your bathroom shelf!

(For a more detailed post, attach the portion below as well)


*Yes, Young Living™ EO's are safe to take internally! Swallow them, drink them, cook with them. Young Living™ has an entire line of essential oils that are labeled for internal use - the Vitality™ line! Still a pure, Therapeutic Grade essential oil that we know and love from Young Living™, simply labeled as a supplement to keep everything straight with the FDA. 

* Encapsulate - you can purchase veggie caps from Young Living™ (or at a local health food store) for the times that you could benefit from taking an oil internally.

*Add to food or drink - just make sure you are using either a glass or stainless steel container. Essentials oils know the difference between natural and synthetic and can eat through plastics or styrofoam. Even if it's not apparent, it could be leaching toxins from the plastics…and then you would be ingesting them - yikes! Kind of defeats the purpose.      

*Drop under tongue - sublingually is one of the fastest methods to get all the EO goodness into your body.

                                                                                                                                                           * Suppositories (rectal or vaginal) are less popular, but are quite effective options. 


*Essential oils can be applied either neat (undiluted) or diluted with what is called a carrier oil. A carrier oil is a fatty oil such as organic olive, coconut, grapeseed etc. that is used to 'carry' your essential oils. The larger molecules of a carrier oil will slow the absorption rate down, allow the essential oil to cover a greater surface area and also create a somewhat “slow release” effect.   

*Not only can you apply essential oils directly to the site of concern, you can also use VitaFlex points of the feet, hands and ears to access specific areas of your body. VitaFlex is an ancient healing methodology brought to the U.S. by Stanley Burrows. It means 'vitality through the reflexes'. It is similar to reflexology. Your skin has a piezoelectric property, meaning pressure induced electricity. The pressure comes from the fingers. A rolling motion of the finger pads, tips and nails, creates the stimulation similar to how an electric switch or circuit works. The technique is applied to the various reflex points of the body.     

*When it comes to applying essential oils topically, we love the bottoms of our feet! The bottoms of your feet have large pores so the oils absorb rapidly, are typically not sensitive, and are where many of those VitaFlex points mentioned above are located. When in doubt, apply to the bottoms of your feet! 


*Place a couple of drops in an ultrasonic essential oil diffuser which disperses tiny particles into the air via a fine mist. Not only does the use of a diffuser make your home smell lovely, but unlike synthetic fragrances and scented candles - you and your loved ones will experience therapeutic benefits.     

*Place a drop into your hand, rub them together and cup your hands over your nose and mouth and breathe in the aromatic vapors for 3-5 minutes.  

*Breathe straight from your bottles...even if they are empty! This is a very cost effective way of utilizing every last bit of your precious oil. A bottle could last nearly forever!  

 *When inhaled, molecules of essential oils immediately go to the olfactory (smell) part of the brain, and then to the limbic (emotional part of the brain) system to work in the emotional area of our bodies. It has been scientifically proven that emotions and illness are closely linked. Our eyes, ears, tongue and sense of touch are all wired so that their messages pass to the brain via the reasoning cortex first. The nose, however, is wired differently. It connects directly with the limbic brain such that one’s response to an aroma is going to be emotional before it can be rational. Therefore, because inhaled oils directly affect the emotional seat in our brains where traumatic memories are often stored and because oils can release cellular memories stored anywhere in the body, they can be of great value in helping us clear ourselves from the unconscious, hidden emotional patterns that control our lives! Again though… another class for another day!  

Frequency of the oils 

One of the most amazing ways that essential oils work is because of their frequencies! Now stay with me, this is not some weird ‘woo-woo’ frequency vibe thing. I am talking about actual measurable scientific frequency that every living thing has. Every organ in our body has a specific frequency -  a  healthy state frequency - and these frequencies are lower when we are experiencing disease, fatigue, and illness. It is known that by keeping our body's frequencies at the correct levels, our organ systems and immune system work at a more optimal level. When 2 frequencies that are the same come together, it harmonizes or ‘evens out’ the frequency wave and improves that living thing’s function. Just smelling a high frequency oil can raise our frequency up after we have lowered it by consuming dead or acidic food! We now know that the frequencies of certain oils are the same as certain organs, which explains why they have been used for centuries to support that organ’s system! Pretty cool, right? Frequency is a measurable rate of electrical energy that is constant between any 2 points. The difference between EO frequency and the frequency of light (or television, telephone, microwave) is these electrical AC frequencies are incoherent, chaotic frequencies. They fracture the human electrical field. Essential oils, on the other hand, have a coherent, harmonic DC frequency, and so they are harmonious with the electrical field of the human body. Studies show that negative thoughts lower our frequency 12 MHz. Positive thoughts raise our frequency 10 MHz. Prayer and meditation raise our frequency on average 15 MHz. 

Essential oils start at approx. 48 MHz (Melrose) and range as high as 500+ MHz (Idaho Blue Spruce).

Processed food has a frequency of 0 MHz

Fresh produce: 15 MHz

Dried herbs: 12-22 MHz

Fresh herbs: 20-27 MHz

Healthy human body: 62-78 MHz

Unhealthy human body: <59 MHz

Dying human body: 20-25 MHz

Essential Oils and Pets

I know there are some pet lovers in here, so I had to include this too! Essential oils are amazing for keeping your family healthy, but that doesn't just mean your kids, babies, and yourself. Fur babies are family too! Only the best for our pets! Essential oils are an excellent choice for your pets because they are non-toxic, easy to use, and so effective.  Young Living™ even has an entire line of products dedicated to pets:  Animal Scents®!! This line is safe for both pets and humans.

All About Body Systems

We all have the end goal of living a healthy and happy life above the wellness line! Unfortunately for many of us, that means a starting point of below that line. Below the wellness line with things like illness, pain, medicine, and stress. The GOOD news here is that your body was designed to be healthy, and essential oils support body systems! After class, I would love for you to take a few minutes to complete this Body Systems Quiz. With this tool, you can analyze your areas of concern, zero in on the root of the issue, and get guidance on choosing Young Living™ essential oils, supplements, nutrition, and other components of a healthy lifestyle to support those body systems and rise above the wellness line!  http://seedandsoul.hojpoj.com/body-systems-quiz

Seed to Seal 

I did some research on essential oils and different companies before getting a wholesale membership with Young Living™. I’d like to share with you what stood out the most to me during my time learning about what is important when choosing an essential oil company. 

Purity, quality, and integrity. 

There seem to be so many essential oil companies these days, but what sets YL apart is the purity and commitment to quality. What makes Young Living™ the world leader? We are the oldest and most trusted company in the world. We have 25 years of research and experience. 

YL produces and guarantees 100% pure therapeutic grade oils, which is vastly different from the perfume grade oils that you can buy at the local health food store. 

YL is the only company that owns its own farms. Because of this they have the Seed to Seal® guarantee. Other companies claim they offer a quality product, but really they are just 3rd party bottlers of oil. 

YL process is called Seed to Seal®, which means they have control of the product from the soil and seed to the time it is bottled and sealed. These steps are taken in order to promise 100% pure oils without additives, fillers, synthetics, or oil that is just void of the constituents that benefit our bodies due to overcooking oils in the distillation process. Cheap perfume grade oils (100% synthetic), or even just diluted oils with less therapeutic constituents can all legally be labeled 100% pure and organic because there is basically no regulation in this industry. You truly must know and trust your company. 

I trust Young Living™! I am able to spend time on their farms, I have become part of the "family", and we have had nothing but excellent experiences with their products. Deciding to use Young Living™ products was part of a decision to make better and safer choices for my family. I am very thankful for the impact that YL has made in my life!

Let’s talk about those oils! (PSK)

Let's talk oils!! Now, I never like it when I attend a class or a party and have to wonder the entire time if I can afford something. So I want to tell you up front, that I will be reviewing the Premium Starter Kit from Young Living™ that comes with 11 essential oils, a diffuser, your wholesale membership, samples, and lots of great educational materials and goodies. It is a little more than 50% off retail at only $160, so it's a very affordable investment, especially considering all of the things you're currently buying that it can replace! It comes with no strings attached, no monthly order commitment, and no agreement to sell. It also comes with people like me, who are passionate and committed to your family and educating you and helping you as you want and need, never pressuring you. I feel so blessed to get to help so many people. My favorite time of the day is reviewing the daily testimonies I get, big and small, from others on my oils team! I probably won't make a post for ALL of the oils that come with the kit because I don't want to keep you here all night, but if you want the full rundown, definitely shoot one of us a message! We'd be happy to give you a more detailed look.


Peppermint essential oil is one of the gold standards! Its sharp and herby aroma is so distinct and refreshing. Peppermint Vitality™ is very supportive of the digestive system and tastes delicious when used in chocolate treats. Peppermint essential oil is also very soothing and cooling when applied topically to your skin!


Lavender is one of the most versatile essential oils on the planet! It’s one I can’t imagine running out of - we use it for so many things! Lavender is known for being so relaxing. It’s a great oil to diffuse aromatically for a calming and soothing aroma. I love putting a few drops on my pillowcase before bed. A nice relaxing soak in the tub with Lavender essential oil and epsom salts is a real treat! Do you ever find yourself needing some additional seasonal support? Try adding a drop of Lavender Vitality™ essential oil to your daily NingXia Red®!


Lemon Vitality™ essential oil enhances the flavor of your favorite drinks and many foods! Soon we will talk about NingXia Red juice - an antioxidant- packed super juice that is infused with essential oils - Lemon Vitality is one of those oils! Not only used for its vibrant flavor, but also for its many body system supporting qualities.


Copaiba comes from the resin of a tree in Brazil, and has a very mild aroma. Copaiba essential oil is very supportive of skin and nails, and Copaiba Vitality™ aids in healthy digestion and is an awesome component to any daily health regimen. 


DiGize™ essential oil has a very spicy and rich aroma. It’s very soothing when rubbed topically over your belly! DiGize Vitality is ideal for supporting the digestive system when taken internally. Keep a bottle of it with you at all times, so you’ll have it on hand when you indulge in rich or heavy foods!


Spicy and minty – PanAway™ has an invigorating aroma! Apply PanAway to soothe tired muscles.  Apply it to the back of your neck for a refreshing aromatic experience. PanAway is blended with Helichrysum oil, which has many skin-supporting benefits. 


Frankincense is an amazing essential oil with many historical and Biblical ties! Frankincense essential oil has a very grounding and earthy aroma, and it’s one of the best oils for healthy skin support. Frankincense Vitality™ is very supportive of multiple body systems such as the immune and respiratory systems!

Stress Away™

It’s all in the name! Use this oil liberally when the normal stresses of everyday life creep up. Stress Away™ essential oil is amazing when used during a neck massage and it has an incredible aroma that men and women both love to wear as a cologne! 


Getting bored looking at pictures of bottles of oil? We can't have that! I MUST tell you about Thieves®. Thieves® is an essential oil blend, but it is also so much more! Thieves® Vitality™ supports a healthy immune system. This is a use daily, never run out oil. For life! Whether it is daily prevention, or extra support when you’re below the wellness line, we are just in love with Thieves®. Plus it smells like Christmas! Thieves® is a blend of Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Lemon, and Clove. These familiar aromas give it a warm and homey smell! Since Thieves® is SO powerful and effective, Young Living™ has made an entire line of Thieves® products! The Household Cleaner and Cough Drops might be my favorite! It’s true, most people start their Young Living™ membership with an Everyday Oils Premium Starter Kit, but there is also the Thieves Premium Starter Kit which is an awesome way to integrate effective, toxin-free products form Young Living™ into your everyday life. 

NingXia Red® 

NingXia Red® is a nutrient-packed antioxidant superfood juice!! It’s such a healthy thing to treat your body to each day. NingXia Red® supports ALL body systems, and helps our bodies perform at an optimum level. I drink at least one ounce daily, but if I ever start to feel run down (or down right bad!) I will up my NingXia® intake. Between consistent essential oil use, and drinking NingXia Red®, it’s comforting to know that I am doing a great job supporting and supplementing my body’s needs each day.

Interested in learning more? Check out this informative video by Dr. Jim Bob Haggerton. It's a little long, but you sure won't regret watching it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIEJ5ZViw1A

More details can also be found on http://www.ningxiared.com

© Brenda Parrish with Essentially Anointed 2020