Feelings…nothing more than feelings

Credits:  This class was designed by Erin Rodgers of The JoyDroppers team.

OK, so now that I have this song in your head, you know it's going to play all day.

You're welcome :)

The truth is, we all experience emotions and feelings all day long, every day.  Joy, contentment, satisfaction, pride, love as well as anger, fear, shame, guilt. Sometimes we have buried them deep and really don't want to go there but then they surface when you least expect it.  Some emotions are healthy and some are destructive and harmful to ourselves, our health and those around us.  Sometimes they are debilitating and they keep you from moving forward.

If you are already using essential oils to achieve wellness in your life, you may not be completely aware that they can also play a role in your emotional health also.  

Or maybe you are, but you don't know just how. 

So this class is designed to help you understand how to accomplish some emotional balance in your life using essential oils to help.


Young Living offers a kit specifically designed to assist with emotional balance. Called "The Feelings Kit", it includes the oil blends Harmony, Valor, Release, Present Time, Forgiveness, and Inner Child.  

Be aware that there are limitless other oils that also can impact your emotions but just for today I am going to concentrate on these included in the kit and give you some resources that can help you discover how to use them ALL!

Here is a short audio recording from Young Living founder, Gary Young, about the Feelings Kit:

Gary Young on Feelings Kit


Plants have been linked to the wellness of man since the beginning of time. Ancient people utilized plants in a variety of ways. The Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Europeans, and Asian cultures have used them for centuries for health, beauty, fragrance, and spiritual practices. Essential oils are also specifically mentioned throughout the Bible. And we believe the Lord has provided everything we need in nature for our bodies to survive and thrive. For our families, this includes using essential oils to support our bodies in a multitude of ways. 

● Essential oils are plant concentrates. When a plant is dried for tea or to make supplements, around 97% of the essential oil is lost, as well as much of the plant’s capability of helping us be healthy. By using the EO we are getting the plant’s complete chemical profile in each drop. ● Most essential oils are extracted from plant sources using steam distillation and are highly concentrated, making them far more potent than dried herbs or botanicals. ● Essential oils are volatile liquids, which means that the scent of the oil rises quickly into the air. ● They are also versatile with a wide variety of uses. Some people use EOs to enliven an environment, support different body systems, or for creating chemical free alternatives to many household items.

So, essential oils and emotions…..


I don't DOUBT the power of our oils, I’ve seen far too much that could qualify as a miracle to ever doubt. But when it comes to emotions I have definitely questioned whether or not an oil could pay that pivotal of a role in emotional support. Anyone else come from this place of curiosity or cynicism?

So I’m starting my research by consulting the Essential Oil Desk Reference. There are TONS of resources out there for Essential Oils and Emotions (I’ll link up several recommended resources at the end of this class), but the EODR tends to be a resource most people have on hand, and it’s one of my favorite resources so we will start with it!

The information I’m about to discuss comes from pages 415-424 of the EODR. I recommend you read the whole chapter, but I’ll be hitting highlights throughout this workshop.

The EODR Chapter 16 “Essential Oils: Spiritual, Mental, and Emotional” begins with research on Frankincense… a study in 2008 discovered we are “apparently “hardwired” to have feelings of peace, awe, and reverence when using frankincense.” An interesting sidenote… nearly every oil in the Feelings Kit has Frank in it. Surprised? I’m not! 

The article further describes that this study found several different therapeutic benefits regarding stress and depression from Frankincense regarding its ability to affect and protect our nervous system. 

Page 416 goes into depth about using oils in worship and meditation and the various scripture references to incense and oils. Some of these references include:• Psalm 141:2 “May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.”• Philippians 4:18 “a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God.”• Revelation 8:3-4 “Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all God’s people, on the golden altar in front of the throne. The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of God’s people, went up before God from the angel’s hand.”

From p.417 Section: Mental and Emotional Support

“Today we live in a society of emotional turmoil. More and more evidence is accumulating that our emotional health can have a profound effect on our physical health. More than ever before, researchers are probing the impact that emotional states have on the physical condition of the body.

“Many doctors are recognizing the possibility that a number of diseases are caused by emotional problems that link back to infancy and childhood – and perhaps even to the room. These emotional problems can compromise body systems and even genetic structuring through a process that creates the equivalent of a molecular "memory" in key organs and structures of the body.

“The idea that memories and traumas can be embedded in the brain is not new, but scientists are now saying that these brain imprints may extend throughout the body. Well-known author and Georgetown University research professor Candace Pert states, "repressed trauma is caused by overwhelming emotion can be stored in a body part, thereafter affecting our inability to feel that part or even move it."______

How do essential oils release or change emotional patterns? To discuss this I will refer to the book "Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils,” by Carolyn Mein. This is my secondary resource for our class and one I would highly recommend. 

On page 5 she discusses this in depth…

“Have you ever noticed how smells, like bread baking, can send you back to a childhood memory and all the feelings associated with your favorite grandmother? Smell accesses the limbic system of the brain which is the seat of our emotions. Ancient Egyptians used Essential oils to clear specific emotions and recorded them on the walls of certain temple healing chambers.

“Sesquiterpenes, found in high levels of essential oils such as Frankincense and Sandalwood, help to increase the oxygen in the limbic system of the brain which in turn "unlocks" the DNA and allows emotional baggage to be released from cellular memory. Emotions have been found to be encoded within the DNA of the cells and passed on from generation to generation. Emotional behavior patterns have even been found to be "locked” within families. Transplant recipients report strange memories and desires which further substantiates that emotions are stored in the body and encoded in the DNA of cells. More recently, studies at New York University provided the amygdala gland (the gland in the limbic system of the brain that stores and releases trauma in the body) does not respond to sound or sight or touch, but ONLY releases emotional trauma through the sense of smell.

“Emotions themselves are stored in the body and its organs, glands, and systems. Feelings are taken in through that chakras, or energy centers along the midline of the body, and then fed into the meridian system, which consists of energy channels that run over and through the body. Since each organ has a vibrational frequency, as do emotions, the emotions will settle in an area with the corresponding frequency. Disease occurs when the body’s vibrational frequency drops below a certain point. Essential oils can raise the body’s frequency, and therapeutic grade (medicinal quality) oils are able to do this because they vibrate at a high frequency entrance for that frequency to the body.

“Essential oils have been used throughout the ages for healing, and the Bible contains 188 references to them. For example, Frankincense, Myrrh, Rosemary, Hyssop, and Spikenard were oils used for anointing and healing the sick in Biblical times. One of the oldest healing modalities known, acupuncture, uses emotions associated with, and stored in, the major organs to diagnose disease.”

Okay… WOAH. That is a LOT of information coming at you right there. I would STRONGLY suggest that you read over this whole post right now and make sure you at least somewhat understand this information. It’s a LOT to digest…I totally get that. 

As we’re pondering these ideas, which are likely new to a LOT of us… I would love to know… Coming into this class, what’s your perspective? Which best the way you’re approaching this material?

• Curious• Cynical• Hopeful• Convinced…feel free to elaborate if you wish! 


(The following is based primarily on notes taken at Gary Young’s talk September 19, 2008, at the first Young Living European Convention, Vienna, Austria. Gary Young is the founder of Young Living and his wife, Mary, is the CEO.)

It has been said that when there is a conflict between reason and feeling, human beings will always side with feeling.

According to Gary Young, “99% of life’s decisions are made from feelings.”

Therefore, if you want your life to be guided by good decisions that lead to health, happiness, and fulfillment, you need to be aware of and in control of your present feelings and to learn how to release the repressed emotions of the past.

Most of our feelings from day to day are not responses to current happenings. They originate from the programming in cellular memory that was imprinted by the emotional experiences of our past that we were unable to understand, process and resolve at the time.

These forgotten traumatic experiences function as live programming in our bodies, affecting every aspect of our lives and particularly in the area of how we make decisions.

When our thoughts are limited by fears, lack of self-worth, and not feeling good enough for more or better, we make decisions that limit our success.

Limited thinking leads to limited decisions that lead to a limited life far short of the God-given potential we actually possess.

By focusing on repairing your feelings, you can fix most aspects of your life -physical, mental, and spiritual. Essential oils are perfect vehicles to help you in this task, because their molecules pass directly to the emotional brain and can bring us into contact with the issues we have long forgotten and enable us to deal with them and resolve them once and for all. When we clear our emotional baggage, we clear the way to manifest our true and highest potential.

According to Gary Young, “Thought equals frequency. Essential oils absorb our thoughts. They are registered in the oils as intent. Intent is directed energy.

When you apply an intent-energized oil on your feet, it can saturate all of your cells within 60 seconds, stimulating creative thinking and pushing negative energy out of the cells, thus increasing the frequencies of the cells throughout the body. In that uplifted state you can create a new desire to be better tomorrow. You have no limitations but those you choose to accept.”

In conclusion, Gary said, “Use the Feelings Kit morning and night for 30 days. You will feel enthusiastic. Your life will be full of excitement. And people will be drawn to you like a magnet.”


There are so many great sources for Essential Oil Education, but I’m going to focus on just two of them right now. 

First: The Essential Oil Desk Reference by Life Science Publishers
This is an excellent resource for learning all about Essential Oils.

Second: Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils, by Carolyn L Mein, DChttp://bit.ly/ReleasingEOPatterns

Emotions are stored at a cellular level in specific organs within the body. They must be cleared at this level in order to be released. Essential oils access these stuck emotions at their deepest level, by accessing the limbic portion of the brain, which is the seat of emotions. 

Molecules of Emotion: The Science behind Mind-Body Medicine, by Candace Perthttp://bit.ly/MoleculesOfEmotion

Candace Pert discusses her pioneering research on how the chemicals inside our bodies form a dynamic information network, linking mind and body. By establishing the biomolecular basis for our emotions and explaining these new scientific developments in a clear and accessible way, Pert empowers us to understand ourselves, our feelings, and the connection between our minds and our bodies -- body-minds -- in ways we could never possibly have imagined before. 

Who Switched Off My Brain?http://bit.ly/SwitchedOff

We're living in an epidemic of toxic emotions. Research shows that as much as 87% to 95% of mental and physical illnesses are a direct result of toxic thinking-proof that our thoughts affect us physically and emotionally. In this best-selling book, Dr. Caroline Leaf clearly communicates 13 ways to detox your thought life and live a life of physical, mental, and emotional wholeness.

And if you want to hear what Gary has taught…Training CD #17: Empowering Emotions and Relationships (G. Young)—2000http://www.abundanthealth4u.com/Training_CD_17_p/8117cd.htm

Lecture by Dr. D. Gary Young, ND, at the Hands On Training Seminar in Dallas, Texas. Dr. Young explains how to use the oils in Young Living's Feelings oil kit to deal with various emotional challenges. His topics include finding joy in life, dealing with physical and sexual abuse, and overcoming fear to become successful in business (71 minutes).

Let's get started with the oil blend called Harmony.


This blend promotes physical and emotional healing by creating a harmonic balance for the energy centers of the body. It brings us into harmony with all things, people, and cycles of life. It is beneficial in reducing stress, amplifying well-being, and dissipating feelings of discord. It is also uplifting and elevating to the mind, creating a positive attitude. [[From the EODR]]

Harmony can be used to release emotions such as: Being Ignored, Crushed, Hostility, Fear of Punishment/Beating Self Up, Stubborn, and Sarcastic.[[From REPwEO - See the book for more information on where and how to use Harmony for these specific emotions!}}

Harmony is a blend of:

• Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens): stimulates nerves and hormone system. Its fragrance encourages us to leave unpleasant memories behind and increase inspiration.

• Lavender (lavandula angustifolia): this Essential Oils acts calming and relaxing. It supports us in times of disturbed sleep, and fear. 

• Sandalwood (Santalum album): Due to its high percentage in sesquiterpenes Sandalwood stimulates our pineal gland and limbic system. It enables us to become silent and dive into meditation. Sandalwood may release unfavorable cellular memories and reprogram the cells.

• Orange (Citrus sinensis): provides lightness, relaxation, and a feeling of security for body, mind and emotions.

• Angelica (Angelica archangelica) calms emotions. It may support us in resetting the mind after experiencing trauma and to release suppressed memories and emotions.

• Lemon (Citrus limon) acts invigorating and refreshing. It supports the immune system and clarifies the mind.

• Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) acts especially balancing on our emotions and brings the soul's consciousness to the fore.

• Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) balancing and invigorating at once. Decreases occasional stress, fear and tension.

• Jasmine (Jasminum officinale) acts on the emotional and physical plane. It is an ideal companion in times of indecision, hopelessness and low vigor.

• Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) especially helpful when it comes to restlessness and tension. It removes mental blockades and supports the liver from the effects of suppressed anger.

• Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata) supports relaxation, balances yin and yang energies and increases self-confidence.

• Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii) strengthens the vascular and nervous system, increases vitality and gives us a feeling of security.

• Rose (Rosa damascena) – this high-frequency oil brings balance, harmony and lightness to our body and mind. It invites divine love into our hearts and increases our joy of life.

• Spanish Sage (Salvia lavandulifolia) is rich in limonenes. Its high percentage of phytohormones balances our hormone system.

• Frankincense: a holy anointing oil which has been used for spiritual ceremonies for thousands of years. It stimulates our limbic system, which is where emotions are controlled, and increases our mind's creativity. Frankincense helps us to overcome stress, despair and dejection. 

• Spruce: A good starting-point when it comes to releasing emotional patterns and getting grounded. Spruce not only brings harmony into our being, it is also known as the fragrance with the frequency of wealth.

USE: For topical or aromatic use. Diffuse or wear on ears, forehead, bottoms of the feet, over the heart, at the base of the neck, at the back of the head, and on areas that need circulatory support.

TELL ME… have you ever used Harmony? How does it make you FEEL?

Moving along with the Valor blend, which is a favorite of many. 


This blend was formulated to balance energies and instill courage, confidence, and self-esteem. It helps the body self-correct its balance and alignment. [[From the EODR]]

Valor can be used to release emotions such as: Aggression, Defensiveness, Fear of Conflict, Inability to Cope, Losing a Battle, Persecuted, Resignation, and Withdrawn
[[From REPwEO - See the book for more information on where and how to use Valor for these specific emotions!]]

VALOR consists of:

• Rosewood: acts grounding, stabilizes, increases inner strength

• Blue tansy: supports the liver and lymphatic system and thus decreases anger and repressive emotions in our day-to-day live. Creates a feeling of self-determination

• Frankincense: a holy anointing oil which has been used for spiritual ceremonies for thousands of years . It stimulates our limbic system which is where emotions are controlled and increases our mind's creativity. Frankincense helps us to overcome stress, despair and dejection. 

• Spruce: A good starting-point when it comes to releasing emotional patterns and getting grounded. Spruce not only brings harmony into our being, it is also known as the fragrance with the frequency of wealth.• blended in a carrier oil base of fractionated virgin coconut oil

USE:• Diffuse, directly inhale, or add 2-4 drops to bath water.• Apply generously to feet, wrists, or back of the neck• When using a series of oils, apply Valor first and let it work for 5 to 10 minutes before applying oils.• Dilute 1:15 with YL V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex for body massage.

TELL ME… have you ever used Valor? How does it make you FEEL?

The next oil included in the kit is Release.


Let go of the past!! Negative energy goes into the blood and then the liver for cleansing, where toxins can remain trapped. Thus, the liver becomes a storage place for anger, resentment, bitterness, hatred, jealousy, envy, addictions, and a host of destructive feelings. 

Release is a helpful blend to release anger and memory trauma from the liver in order to create emotional well-being. It helps open the subconscious mind through pineal stimulation to release deep-seated trauma. It is one of the most powerful of the emotionally supporting essential oil blends. [[From the EODR]]

Release can be used to release emotions such as: Dejection, Fear of Success, Holding Back, Loss of Identity, Love being Conditional, Rebellion, Wrong.[[From REPwEO - See the book for more information on where and how to use Release for these specific emotions!}}

Release consists of:

• Lavandin ( Lavendula hybrida): purifies the body and may regenerate tissue.

• Blue Tansy (Tanacetum annum): helps us to release accumulated anger and recurring thoughts. Enhances a feeling of self-determination.

• Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata) supports relaxation, balances yin and yang energies and increases self-confidence.

• Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens): stimulates nerves and hormone system. Its fragrance encourages us to leave unpleasant memories behind and increase inspiration.

• Sandalwood (Santalum album): Due to its high percentage in sesquiterpenes Sandalwood stimulates our pineal gland and limbic system. It enables us to become silent and dive into meditation. Sandalwood may release unfavorable cellular memories and reprogram the cells.• base of olive oil

USE:For aromatic or topical use. Apply over the liver either directly or with a compress. Apply to the bottoms of feet and behind the ears.

TELL ME… have you every used Release? How does it make you FEEL?

Let's talk about the oil blend called "Present Time”


This blend is an empowering fragrance that creates a feeling of being in the moment. Disease develops when we live in the past and with regret. Being in the present time is the key to progressing and moving forward. [[From the EODR]]

Present Time can be used to release emotions such as: Flustered, Illusion, Loss, Malice, Repressed or Stuffed Emotions, Resistance to Change.
[[From REPwEO - See the book for more information on where and how to use Present Time for these specific emotions!}}

Present Time consists of:

• Neroli (Citrus sinensis) – blossom of orange – was used in ancient Egypt to cure body, mind and spirit. Its fragrance leads us to our core and stabilizes emotions. Neroli enhances inner peace, faith and awareness.

• Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata) supports relaxation, balances yin and yang energies and increases self-confidence.

• Spruce: A good starting-point when it comes to releasing emotional patterns and getting grounded. Spruce not only brings harmony into our being, it is also known as the fragrance with the frequency of wealth.• Blended in a carrier of almond oil

USE:For aromatic use. Rub on sternum, base of neck and forehead. Wear on wrists, neck and behind the ears.

TELL ME… have you ever used Present Time? How does it make you FEEL?

Moving on towards “Forgiveness"


This blend helps to release hurt feelings and negative emotions. It also helps release negative memories, allowing one to move past emotional barriers and attain higher awareness, assisting the person to forgive and let go. [[From the EODR]]

Forgiveness can be used to release emotions such as: Betrayal, Distrust, Repeating the Past, Revent, Self-Denial.
[[From REPwEO - See the book for more information on where and how to use Forgiveness for these specific emotions!}}

Forgiveness is a blend of:

• Rose (Rosa damascena) an Oil with the high frequency of 320 MHz. Brings lightness. 

• Melissa (Melissa officinalis) - through its positive impact on the brain's emotional center, this calming and emotionally balancing Essential Oil accompanies us in times of fear, tension and despondency and brings our softness to the fore.

• Immortelle (Helichrysum italicum) enables us to let go of anger and to forgive ourselves and others.

• Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens): stimulates nerves and hormone system. Its fragrance encourages us to leave unpleasant memories behind and increase inspiration.

• Lavender (lavandula angustifolia): this Essential Oils acts calming and relaxing. It supports us in times of disturbed sleep and fear. 

• Sandalwood (Santalum album): Due to its high percentage in sesquiterpenes Sandalwood stimulates our pineal gland and limbic system. It enables us to become silent and dive into meditation. Sandalwood may release unfavorable cellular memories and reprogram the cells.

• Angelica (Angelica archangelica) calms emotions. It may support us in resetting the mind after experiencing trauma and to release suppressed memories and emotions.

• Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) balancing and invigorating at once. Decreases occasional stress, fear and tension.

• Jasmine (Jasminum officinale) acts on the emotional and physical plane. It is an ideal companion in times of indecision, hopelessness and low vigor.

• Frankincense: a holy anointing oil which has been used for spiritual ceremonies for thousands of years . It stimulates our limbic system which is where emotions are controlled and increases our mind's creativity. Frankincense helps us to overcome stress, despair and dejection. • blend in a carrier oil base of Sesame seed oil

USE:For topical or aromatic use. Apply around navel or wear as a perfume.

TELL ME… have you ever used Forgiveness? How does it make you FEEL?

And now the last oil in the kit is "Inner Child”


This is an excellent oil for those of us who take things a little too seriously!! The fragrance of Inner Child revives memories which reconnect us to our true self. This is one of the first steps to harmonize and stabilize our emotions.

When children experience trauma they often loose connection to their inner self or inner child. Feelings of shame and confusion are the results of their shattered personalities. This can be experienced as a great hindrance especially in the time from adolescence until midlife. This condition is commonly described as a midlife crisis.

This fragrance stimulates memory response and helps one reconnect with the inner-self or identity. This is one of the first steps to finding emotional balance. [[From the EODR]]

Inner Child can be used to release emotions such as: Clearing Cellular Memory, Desertion, Distortion, Erratic Energy.[[From REPwEO - See the book for more information on where and how to use Inner Child for these specific emotions!}}

Inner Child consists of:

• Tangerine (Citrus reticulata): contains ester and aldehydes which act calming and relaxing in times of fear and nervousness.

• Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus): supports blood circulation and invigors the spirit. It acts purifying and increases wakefulness.

• Neroli (Citrus sinensis) – blossom of orange: brings what is important into our field of vision. Casts out fear, depression and disturbed sleep. 

• Sandalwood (Santalum album): Due to its high percentage in sesquiterpenes Sandalwood stimulates our pineal gland and limbic system. It enables us to become silent and dive into meditation. Sandalwood may release unfavorable cellular memories and reprogram the cells.

• Orange (Citrus sinensis): provides lightness, relaxation, and a feeling of security for body, mind and emotions.

• Jasmine (Jasminum officinale) acts on the emotional and physical plane. It is an ideal companion in times of indecision, hopelessness and low vigor.

• Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata) supports relaxation, balances yin and yang energies and increases self-confidence.

• Spruce: A good starting-point when it comes to releasing emotional patterns and getting grounded. Spruce not only brings harmony into our being, it is also known as the fragrance with the frequency of wealth.• Carrier Oil used in blend: Almond Oil

USE:For aromatic use. Apply around navel, on chest, temples and around nose.

TELL ME… have you every used Inner Child? How does it make you FEEL?


There are a variety of different protocols recommended for achieving emotional release with EOs. I will primarily discuss two for the purposes of this class. The first is the protocol recommended in the EODR. This is a LONG protocol and involves far more oils than those in the Feelings Kit. 

On page 418, the EODR discusses finding RELEASE with Essential Oils:

“The process of emotional release using essential oils should not be dramatic, but gentle, occurring step-by-step over a period of time. Application of the oils accompanied by mental focus and relaxation should occur multiple times per day. Some emotional blocks will require only a day or two to begin releasing; others may require weeks.

“Many essential oil blends have been created precisely for the purpose of helping to release emotional patterns. The protocol outline below is one that can be used very flexibly. One can use just the first step or two, a selection of steps, or use all the steps, depending on inclination and need. Each succeeding step involves another essential oil, which may further stimulate the release process. 

“It is important to remember that this process should not be uncomfortable. As you reach a step during which you begin to feel uncomfortable, there is no need to go further. It is better to wait for a future application when you feel confident before going to that next step. The applications should be accompanied by mental effort focusing on reprogramming negative emotions with positive emotions and images.”

You can find a PDF of the EODR protocol at this link: www.bit.ly/EODREmotionalRelease

Please realize, a protocol is a purposeful way to see results from your oils. It is entirely possible that you can achieve emotional results with a single oil or blend. If you don't have all the oils on hand… use what you have. Find an oil that meets the needs of your specific situation and gently incorporate it into your routine.


Gary Young developed a “Feelings Kit Protocol” for using the oils to maximize the emotional response of the body. Taking your time with each step before moving on to the next.

Step 1: Apply Valor on the bottom of your feet to balance your feelings.Step 2: Apply Harmony on the energy points of the body to release unpleasant energiesStep 3: Apply Forgiveness on the navel and let go of negative emotionStep 4: Apply Present Time on the wrists and behind the earsStep 5: Apply Release over the liverStep 6: Apply 1-2 drops of Inner Child under your noseStep 7: Apply Valor once more to end the Feelings Kit application. Valor completes the experience with feelings of balance and integrity.

Complete Feelings Kit Ritual/Protocol can be found here: http://bit.ly/FeelingsRitual

**You may repeat the Feelings Kit application as often as you wish.


Okay, so these are not all oils you’re going to find in the Feelings Kit, but sometimes you need a QUICK dose of Happy and I bet you’ve got Joy & White Angelica on hand. (If not? RUN and order those… PROMISE. White Angelica is a FAVORITE oil and one of our family’s must-haves.)

This quick protocol is great morning OR evening… to calm your emotions and even help you rest at night if you’re having trouble unwinding. 


1 drop of Joy over your heart

1 drop Harmony over your stomach

1 drop of Valor on your wrists

1 drop White Angelica on each shoulder.


Pregnancy can be a fun and exciting time for mom as she brings a child into the world. It may cause different feelings to surface and emotions to change. These changes may start right away, and are experienced differently by each person. I would like to share with you some of the changes that you might face, and how they may be eased with the help of Young Living’s Feelings™ Kit.

To learn more, read this interesting blog post on the Young Living site about using oils to help with the special emotions that sometimes accompany pregnancy.

That’s a LOT of information you just went through!  Thanks for hanging around!  

© Brenda Parrish with Essentially Anointed 2020